Today, customers do most of their research online and want to be able to access the required product data directly – for engineering, production planning and compliance documentation. Demand for digital services was increasing considerably even before the Covid crisis: For several years, LAPP has consistently recorded double-digit growth in sales through its online shop and EDI services. This is why LAPP has been providing its customers with component data since 2015, e.g. on EPLAN. The SKINTOP® portfolio was recently added to the popular engineering platform.
Customers access the data for the SKINTOP® HYGIENIC, which is really popular in the food & beverage sector thanks to its properties – resistant to aggressive cleaning agents, high temperature and corrosion – on EPLAN using specific search queries such as the product name, general search queries such as “stainless steel cable gland”, or by navigating using the eCl@ss9.0 standard compliant data model. Filtering by manufacturer is also possible. Customers can obtain the certificate and material information from the current LAPP product data sheet using a direct link from the article. After fitting checks, the developer can transfer the selected cable gland to the parts list. Moreover, business-related data is also providedAs all SKINTOP® article data conforms to the EPLAN data standard, customers can rely on the completeness of the data. Finally, users can conveniently order the selected articles from LAPP via the online shop. According to theplatform-operator, EPLAN solutions achieve up to 40% efficiency increases in engineering processes along the entire value chain.

Added value for the customer
For example, customers gain this efficiency through simpler and leaner processes, including reduced work to generate their own data. On EPLAN, customers can find all relevant information conveniently and without personal contact with the manufacturer. For example, in the CADENAS CAD product catalogue they can download the 3D CAD models for all metric SKINTOP® cable glands in the required CAD format and use them for their own purposes. Product selection is also greatly simplified by digital provision of product data for customers. They can then use technical data, the various approvals and certificates, the technical drawings and 3D CAD models to test and compare the technical suitability of components. In addition, they can set up cost calculations using commercial data. Various logistical data also provides information on availability and delivery times. The customers are able to continue implementation without delay due to permanent supply of data and requests that do not require any manufacturer information about the application or the product itself. This makes product development and optimisation processes more efficient and enables fast decisions to be made based on the data.

A data service for various platforms
Besides EPLAN and CADENAS, LAPP also offers digital product data on platforms such as ZUKEN in order to give customers the possibility of using LAPP-products on their favoured platform. Numerous customers today expect to find product data across various intern and extern platforms due to the obvious advantages for their work efficiency. Especially for companies operating on a global level, the access to a standardized, reliable data pool from different countries is a major asset. They pay back with awareness and customer loyalty towards the manufacturers.
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Video: Stainless steel cable gland: SKINTOP® HYGIENIC – product animation