LAPP is committed to reliable industrial communication and telecommunication. To achieve this, the international sites combine their specific know-how. Together, they’re working on clever solutions such as cable markings and cable housings for easier installation and maintenance or logistics concepts for just-in-time deliveries across national borders.
Stable data connections as a mission
There’s a good reason why the world is counting on 5G and the expansion of wireless data transmission. In times of increasing networking, industrial users are especially anticipating major advantages from the rapid speeds and the extraordinarily low latency. Entire plants and even business areas are already adapting to the new possibilities of wireless high-speed data transmission – real-time communication between machines with enormous amounts of data. This will make connection failures even more of a “no-go”. Mobile users whose devices don’t have reception are annoyed because they’re increasingly relying on them. This puts pressure on the people who have to look for the cause. Any service that makes data transmission safer is therefore welcome – whether it involves faster transmission technology or better tracing the cable that caused the failure.
Even with the new 5G mobile standard, the cable will continue to be a key factor for the functioning of the underlying infrastructure: the data will continue to flow through conventional channels, together with fibre optic cables, right up to the transmission mast. No wireless without cables – that is LAPP’s credo. The global market leader in connection solutions considers itself responsible for doing its part to ensure that the technology is rolled out quickly and is reliably available. The same applies to broadband expansion, which is currently a major issue in Germany in particular – and is resulting in numerous construction sites. A look at LAPP’s international subsidiaries shows that there are already innovative and effective solutions for many current challenges.
Scandinavian subsidiaries get top marks with infrastructure
Fast Internet is now as widespread in Sweden as cinnamon rolls and elves. The Scandinavian country has been a leader in Europe in terms of network coverage and internet speeds for a number of years. 87 percent of Swedish households have an Internet connection with 100 Mbit/s download or higher. The 5G standard mobile broadband network is also being expanded there at high speeds. To this end, operators set up a large number of antenna masts. LAPP’s Nordic subsidiaries help to ensure that this infrastructure works reliably. As well as cables, LAPP Miltronic AB and LAPP FLEXIMARK AB also supply marking systems and markings so that cable damage can be found quickly and information and warning notices are clearly visible. Together with our Finnish colleagues at LAPP Automaatio, we developed the tailored marking kit solution for the largest Finnish telecommunications company DNA. Cross-national collaboration between the LAPP centres has borne fruit, and this will benefit the entire world. LAPP FLEXIMARK AB is passing on its know-how to national subsidiaries in Germany, Turkey, Norway or the Ukraine, where the new mobile standard and the expansion of the mobile network also play an important role.

Video: © LAPP: Customized cabling from LAPP
Customer-specific solutions must be possible everywhere
Lapp Miltronic is conquering the Swedish mobile market not just with markings and signs, but also with innovative customised solutions. Using the SKINTOP® cable glands and connection blocks, housing is developed into solutions for connecting elements of the PTTA and FTTA infrastructure on antenna masts. In doing so, LAPP respects its customers’ desire for these solutions to be exclusive – a close and trusting partnership is the key to success here. This is because the close collaboration enables LAPP to understand practical requirements. In addition to the costs, mobile masts need to be as small as possible of space and robust as possible: the smaller the components and fewer individual cables there are, the lower the rental costs for the grid operators; what’s more, the built-in components need to be easy to maintain even in the wind and weather conditions.

Video: © LAPP: LAPP Logistics – There for you worldwide
Germany needs high-speed expansion
Looking back to Germany: right in the middle of the city, the busy road has been torn down to lay cables. This isn’t an uncommon sight, and one that annoys countless residents and visitors to the city. An empty cable drum at the building site only aggravates things. After all, replacement deliveries usually take days to arrive. By contrast, LAPP has a sophisticated logistics concept to guarantee fast supply. Deliveries are conveniently carried out on rent-free solid wooden drums and under master contracts with individual call cycles. Customers can order once and then always have them delivered according to their needs, right when they need them. Customised marking systems also ensure optimum allocation in German cities.
In short, whether it’s in a metropolitan area or in the countryside, LAPP is the ideal partner for rolling out broadband and mobile communication, not just in Germany but also internationally – thanks to its cooperative international sites, which make it easier to adapt to local standards.
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