This year, the prize went to the two cardiac scientists Dr Philipp Bengel (33) and Petros Tirilomis (32), M. Sc., from the Medical Faculty of Göttingen University. Both have been researching the causes of arrhythmias in heart failure. “A ventricular arrhythmia is a cardiac arrhythmia that originates in the heart chambers. These occur frequently in patients with heart failure and can lead to sudden cardiac death,” explains Dr Bengel. “In human heart tissue from patients with terminal heart failure, we were able to uncover a new mechanism for the development of the arrhythmias and successfully tested a targeted inhibition of this mechanism in laboratory mice as a therapeutic approach in heart failure,” Tirilomis continues.
Every year, the Oskar Lapp Foundation, in cooperation with the German Society of Cardiology (DGK), awards young scientists for outstanding work in the field of cardiovascular research. In this way, it offers additional incentives to engage specifically in the field of cardiovascular research and provides pacemaking services to promote young talent. Every two years, an Oskar Lapp Stipend is also awarded, which is endowed with up to 20,000 euros for material resources. The funding period is up to two years. Since its foundation 30 years ago, 56 cardiac scientists have already been awarded the Oskar Lapp Research Prize, and six other researchers have received stipends. “With their research work, our two prize winners have made important contributions to further research into cardiovascular diseases and I hope that their research will soon lead to new methods of treatment,” Siegbert E. Lapp praises the work of the scientists and emphasises: “We are proud to have contributed to better research into cardiovascular diseases through the research awards over the past 30 years and look forward to the award winners of the future.” Siegbert E. Lapp succeeded Ursula Ida Lapp, who passed away last spring, and has been Chairman of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees since then.
The Oskar Lapp Foundation
Founded: in 1992 in memory of the ingenious inventor and successful entrepreneur Oskar Lapp (1921 – 1987), who died suddenly of a heart attack in 1987.
Prizes: Oskar Lapp Research Prize (endowed annually with 12,000 euros) and Oskar Lapp Research Stipend (every two years up to 20,000 euros for material resources).
Purpose of the foundation: to promote young scientists who are engaged in cardiovascular research.
Number of awards since 1992: 56 cardiac scientists have received the Oskar Lapp Research Award; six have received scholarships.

In memory of Oskar Lapp, 56 research prizes have been awarded over the past 30 years
The Oskar Lapp Foundation was established in memory of the entrepreneur and company founder Oskar Lapp (1921 – 1987), who died of a heart attack. The foundation is one of the most important supporters of young scientists in the field of cardiovascular research in Germany. In memory of Oskar Lapp and in order to spare other families similar sudden losses in the future, his wife Ursula Ida Lapp (1930 – 2021) founded the Oskar Lapp Foundation together with her three sons in 1992 to support the field of cardiovascular research and cardiology. In particular, young scientists from specifically this field are supported, because prophylaxis, diagnostics, therapy and rehabilitation of coronary heart disease still need to be researched much better today.

“For us, the Oskar Lapp Foundation is literally a matter of the heart. It commemorates our father Oskar Lapp. His passion for research and development and his charitable commitment live on through the foundation. And I very much hope that we will continue to provide many new impulses for the improvement of cardiovascular research in the future and thus be able to save many lives,” says founder Siegbert Lapp.
In addition to the entrepreneurial family Lapp, the Board of Trustees of the Oskar Lapp Foundation includes Prof. Dr. Roderich C. Thümmel (lawyer), Prof. Dr. Thomas Nordt (Medical Director, Klinikum Stuttgart, Katharinenhospital) and Dr. Konstantinos Papoutsis (Managing Director of the German Society for Cardiology – Heart and Circulation Research e.V.). Thomas Fuhrmann, Mayor of the City of Stuttgart, is to be appointed as a further member at the upcoming meeting of the Board of Trustees.
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